Big shop update — April 2 (Wednesday) at 9pm eastern!
Lots of good stuff this time. Some of it will be cheap.

Next shop update - April 2 at 9pm NYC time.

I try to make new things every day, but I save them up for a little while because pricing and selling and shipping things is time consuming. When I have a big sale, I can have friends come over to help me ship everything. I try to make a lot of announcements before I do one.

Great gifts for dogs who are the hottest and murderers and people who have had pizza or sexual intercourse!

I made this one cheaper! You are the hottest dog — necklace/collar charm/key chain thing I made this one cheaper! You are the hottest dog — necklace/collar charm/key chain thing I made this one cheaper! You are the hottest dog — necklace/collar charm/key chain thing
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from $19.00
Murder cat necklace (or cat collar charm)
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from $24.00
I had sexual intercourse with the kool aid man pin
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from $14.00
Let's go pee and go get pizza pin
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from $14.00

36 pages of friendship and fun! If you have $6, you should get this.
Makes a cheap gift!